Corporate Ownership Statement

Form(s) Corporate Ownership Statement: Bankruptcy Adversary

Bankruptcy Rule 1007(a)(1) & 7007.1


  1. Click Bankruptcy or Adversary Menu
  2. Click Miscellaneous
  3. Enter the bankruptcy case number, or adversary proceeding number.

    **When following the steps below, click the Next button to navigate to the next screen.

  4. Select Corporate Ownership Statement from the event list.
  5. At the Select the Party screen, select the Party. If the party is not listed, click on Add/Create New Party.
  6. Browse, verify, and attach the document.
  7. Check to see if the corporate parent / affiliate was added during case opening.  If the name is displayed, click on End corporate parent/affiliate selection

  8. If the name has not been added, click here for instructions.
  9. Docket Text: Modify as Appropriate.
  10. Review final docket text
  11. NEF Displays